Choose a city from the list below to see a simulated sky of the eclipse. Other cities are available in the simulator's dropdown menu. If your city is not in the list, choose a close city in your time zone and edit the latitude and longitude.
Typically, the simulator runs about 1 min 45 seconds fast compared to other published sources.
If the simulations are jumpy, close and reopen your browser and use only 1 tab.
The simulations are designed to condense the entire eclipse, from 1st contact to 4th contact, into about 10 minutes.
Results may vary depending on the speed of your computer.
Use the Time Step interface to speed up or slow down the simulation.
You may want to slow it down to real time as totality approaches.
Use the (+) (-) buttons on the Frame A interface to zoom in and out.
For a realistic naked-eye view, hold your little finger at arms length, and adjust the zoom so you can hide about 2 Suns behind your finger.
The simulation contains the planets and the brightest stars.
Follow me on Twitter and read by blog for more simulations.
Follow @tony873004