Altitude Calculator

An object's orbital altitude can be computed from its orbital period and the mass of the body it orbits using the following formula:

  • h is the altitude (height)of the object
  • P is the orbital period
  • G is the gravitational constant
  • M is the mass of the parent body
  • r is the radius of the parent body

Sample problems:

1. Mission Control wishes to place a satellite in circular orbit above the Earth. The satellite must have a period of 12 hours. How many miles above the surface of the Earth will this satellite orbit?
Enter 12 h for P and 1 M_Earth for M and 1 R_Earth for r.
Choose mi for the answer's units. The calculator gives you an answer of 12576 mi.

2. An Areosynchronous orbit is to Mars what a Geosynchronous orbit is to Earth. Mars rotates once in 24.623 hours. How many kilometers above the surface should a satellite should a satellite be placed to achieve Areosynchronous orbit?
Enter 24.623 h for P, 1 M_Mars for M and 1 R_Mars for r. Choose km for the answer's output units.
The calculator gives you an answer of 17038 km.

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