print(string)Prints the string to the screen
cls()Clears the screen of all printed output
ccls()Clears the screen of all graphic output
cccls()Clears the screen of all printed and graphic output
line(x1, y1, x2, y2)Draws a line between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
circle(x, y)Draws a circle centered on (x, y), with a radius, r
pset(x, y)Plots a point at position (x, y)
trigModeSets the trigonometry mode to radians or degrees. Example: trigMode = 'radians';
sin(q)returns the sin of the angle q.
cos(q)returns the cos of the angle q.
tan(q)returns the tan of the angle q.
asin(a)returns the inverse sin of the argument a.
acos(a)returns the inverse cos of the argument a.
atan(a)returns the inverse tan of the argument a.
atan2(y, x)returns the inverse tan of the arguments y, x.
atn(a)returns the inverse sin of the argument a.
sqrt(a)returns positive square root of the argument a.
sqr(a)returns positive square root of the argument a.
randomInt(a, b)returns a psudo-random integer between a and b inclusive.
random(a, b)returns a psudo-random number between a and b inclusive.
pythag(a, b)returns the square root of a2 + b2.
pythag2(a, b)returns the square root of a2 + b2.
pythag3(a, b, c)returns the square root of a2 + b2 + c2.
quadPlus(a, b, c)returns the first root of the quadratic equation with coefficients a2, b2, and c2.
quadMinus(a, b, c)returns the second root of the quadratic equation with coefficients a2, b2, and c2.
toRad(a)converts the argument in degrees to radians and returns the value.
toDeg(a)converts the argument in radians to degrees and returns the value.
AUastronomical unit in meters
GGravitational constant in N-m2/kg2
Msmass of the Sun in kg
Memass of the Earth in kg
Mjmass of Jupiter in kg
LYlight year in meters
pcparsec in meters
cspeed of light in m/s